Tuesday, 19 October 2010


OK so I'm thinking it's a good thing, but I'm starting to lose track of the individual days here, and thus have decided to start just posting about things of note instead of bombarding you with the boredom that will soon become my long awaited for daily routines and general occurrences that form my living here.

The good news is that I am really settling in. I have been spending a lot of time with the Morrisons, and this week Andrew, the youngest son, is off school due to a badly sprained ankle that is now in plaster, and so I'll be helping out with looking after him during the days so Danny and Ary can carry on with their commitments. It feels really good to have a flexible enough basic schedule in place to be able to do that for them, and I think it's a good example of what I had hoped I would be able to do here, ie. serve in whatever way is useful.

I have also been invited along to a meeting of the worship team out here in a week or two to pray into what direction they are to move into. It's quite weird not knowing all the songs out here, but I am learning a few already, and there are others that are translations of songs we sing in the UK so that's pretty handy! When I know more they are hoping to get me involved with singing and the like which I'm looking forward - in the sense that I'm excited to know the songs and be able to worship without the limit of language!

Been watching lots of Lord of the Rings. Thank God this household are mega fans like me. When I told them I saw the Return of the King 7 times in the cinema they were all very impressed. Or perhaps it was a misinterpreted tone of worry...


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